Join us for VBS!

June 3rd-7th // 6:00-8:30 pm

At Jungle Safari, kids will learn to KNOW what's so great about God, EXPLORE the nature of God, and SERVE God in practical ways.

Children age 3 through 6th grade are welcome!

Childcare is available for volunteers with children under age 3, and we would love Middle and High school volunteers to sign up to help Explore the Nature of God---see our volunteer registration! 

Let’s decorate!

Grab some decorating material you can do from the comfort of your own home THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 21ST, in the foyer of the church!

Join us in person to decorate and turn the sanctuary into a jungle!

We need volunteers!

Help is needed in crafts, games, registratIon, snacks, crew leading, music/singing, safety and security, skits, and decorating! We provide dinner for you and your family EACH NIGHT if you volunteer!